Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Finally: Cooperative Economics - The Dawning of a New Era?

The spirit of cooperation has been alive and well since the beginning of civilization. The Mesopotamians with their science, technology, religion, and language were among the first modern people to demonstrate the power of synergy. Even amongst prehistoric peoples great advances in living conditions were made through cooperating: the invention of fire, hunting & gathering, clothes and shelter making.

Few would discredit the progress we have made. Yet for all of its contributions, cooperation has somehow largely escaped the playing field of modern economics. Competition is king in our business and political systems, employing all manner of cut throat tactics and cost cutting measures.

Some of us have rationally pondered there must be a better way. If we could somehow incorporate that spirit of cooperation which came so naturally for early societies into our own systems, our productivity and quality of life would increase exponentially.

Enter Elinor Ostrom. A political scientist/economist, Elinor has spent years researching the science of cooperation, studying small and medium jurisdictions. She recently won the nobel prize in economics for her work on cooperation. And based on its potential to benefit our world, many would say: "Not a moment too soon".

Read more at Yes! Magazine...

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Bob's Red Mills Natural Food Company Becomes Employee Owned

Another democratically controlled, employee owned company was recently formed as the owner of Bob's Red Mills Natural Foods donated his multimillion dollar company to his employees.

"It's a good old basic Bible lesson," Bob said. "Love of money is the root of all evil. And unfortunately, our entire philosophy today is get all the money you can and whatever way you can. It's caused many corporations to bite off more than they can chew. And it causes people to do a lot of things just for money that they feel in their hearts is not the right thing to do."

As more people wake up to the sins of corporate American in the new millenium, this type of democratic structure is gaining rapidly in popularity. According to the National Cooperative Business Association, there are at least 40,000 cooperatives in the United States alone, and they are growing fast.

And it's little wonder. As compared to traditional public companies, employee owned companies tend to offer greater benefits, better job security, a say in the direction of the company, and even significantly better sales performance.

"I don't think there's anybody worthy to run this company but the people who built it. I have employees with me right now that have been with me for 30 years. They just were committed to staying with me now and they're going to own the company."

Are employee owned and cooperative companies the way of the future? Fortunately, the answer to that question can be influenced by all of us.

See a List of Employee Owned Companies in the United States...

See the Top 100 Employee Owned Companies in the United States...

Monday, May 7, 2012

Passive Income is Replacing Pensions and Savings

As time passes more of us realize just how little we can trust in our financial future. Companies eliminate pensions to reduce expenses and savings are wiped out by inflation, low yields, and unforeseen expenses.

But just when it seems we're doomed to live out our days in financial slavery, a new trend has emerged freeing people from the age old bond of time and money.

What is Passive Income?

Many of us know this term. The simplest definition is: work done today that makes money in the future - in increasing amounts.

There are many examples:  

  • Business Ownership (Vending machines, advertising, recurring income models, efficient management, franchises)
  • Commission Sales (multi level marketing, commissions on recurring income, bonuses) 
  • Investments (stock market, real estate)  
  • Royalty Income (writing, photography, art, inventions)

How 'Easy' is Passive Income?

In the past, earning passive income was difficult for many. You often had to start with a large pool of resources - money or time. Today, however, the largest barrier is in fact our beliefs and attitude.
  1. Most people still believe earning passive income is impossible because they need a lot of money.
  2.  Still more people have the attitude that trying to earn passive income isn't worth their time because it is too challenging.
But the information age has in fact eliminated these barriers.

1. Entire communities of people online discuss literally thousands of ways to earn passive income - in complete detail. They support each other along the way until they succeed, making it easy to stay motivated.

2. And proven step by step instructions are freely available to greatly reduce the risk, challenge, and time associated with any passive income plan.

Passive income is no longer a 'fringe' society phenomenon. Millions of people do this well every day - many starting with no resources at all. And as we move into an era of permanent financial turmoil, the idea of passive income will suddenly look more safe and practical than any IRA, savings account fund, or pension plan.

Talk to other people about passive income online at:

Sunday, May 6, 2012

New Websites Let You Practice Stock Market Investing with No Risk

Few people would consider stock market investing to be a fun, low risk method of getting ahead financially. Success takes years of trial and error, mental fortitude, and money.
Perhaps that's why so many of us are left out - we just can't risk losing so much to practice.

But a new business model on the Internet has changed the rules dramatically. Two new websites, Wall Street Survivor and UpDown, allow you to practice unlimited real time stock market trading without spending any money. Being able to 'practice' investing like this means you can learn in days or weeks what used to take months, even years. You can become an expert investor before you spend anything!

This opportunity will give millions of people - almost anyone who tries - the opportunity to earn a reliable, time tested passive income.

On the web at:

See also:

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Pueblo Indians Harness Solar Energy for Alternative Income


The Pueblo indian tribe based in New Mexico is building the United State's first grid connected utility solar power plant on tribal land.

The Pueblo hope the project will yield approximately 1 million dollars annually for the next 25 years, a sum much needed to rebuild their antiquated water supply and treatment system.

The 3000 member tribe, which holds nature sacred, sees solar energy as a way to create an alternative, balanced, sustainable living for its members.

Read more from MSNBC...

New Super-Convenient Windmill Now at Ace Hardware

Eco-friendly homeowners, off-grid enthusiasts, and anyone who wants to save money on their electric bill now have a new, easy option for adding wind power to their house.

Introducing the Honeywell/Earthtronics WT6500 Wind Turbine. Unlike the windmills of yesteryear, this all new design harnesses winds blowing as slow as two (2) miles per hour to produce electricity! The WT6500 will also be able to produce up to 2700 kilowatt hours of electricity - or 20 percent of the total power used by an average home.

The heart of the new design is a gearless turbine system at the outer edge of the blades - where they spin the fastest. Not only does this make the turbine vastly more efficient than previous designs, but also much more convenient to install - to poles, rooftops, chimneys, and many other places.

Perhaps best of all the new turbine will be easily purchased from Ace Hardware stores across the nation. While the $6,000 dollar price tag is steep, federal and state rebates can cover as much as 100% of the cost - so you could pay virtually nothing for free electricity! Mount several of these windmills and the power company might pay you!

Learn more from the manufacturer at

Friday, May 4, 2012

New Super Economical Houses Made from EPS Foam

After nearly two centuries of brick and wood houses, a new building material is finally inching its way to mainstream home construction. And it's a material few would expect - expanded polystyrene (EPS).

Expanded Polystyrene is very similar to conventional styrofoam (XEPS) except that it retains its insulating value indefinitely. This is because it is made entirely of air - not special gases which can 'leak out' over time.

At first glance, you might expect that polystyrene would make a poor choice for building houses. But when backed with a supporting material such as steel or cement, it has numerous advantages.

Houses built with polystyrene panels are up to 80% more energy efficient and 20% cheaper to build than conventional homes. They are also easier to build, more quiet, less toxic, and highly resistant to earthquake damage due to a high strength to weight ratio.

More companies are trying their hands at polystyrene home construction every day. A few of them include:

This means future home owners will have an increasing number of economical, environmentally friendly materials to choose from when building their new house.

Join the StyroHome Construction group at Ning...
See how polystyrene panels have helped homelessness in Afghanistan...