Friday, May 4, 2012

New Super Economical Houses Made from EPS Foam

After nearly two centuries of brick and wood houses, a new building material is finally inching its way to mainstream home construction. And it's a material few would expect - expanded polystyrene (EPS).

Expanded Polystyrene is very similar to conventional styrofoam (XEPS) except that it retains its insulating value indefinitely. This is because it is made entirely of air - not special gases which can 'leak out' over time.

At first glance, you might expect that polystyrene would make a poor choice for building houses. But when backed with a supporting material such as steel or cement, it has numerous advantages.

Houses built with polystyrene panels are up to 80% more energy efficient and 20% cheaper to build than conventional homes. They are also easier to build, more quiet, less toxic, and highly resistant to earthquake damage due to a high strength to weight ratio.

More companies are trying their hands at polystyrene home construction every day. A few of them include:

This means future home owners will have an increasing number of economical, environmentally friendly materials to choose from when building their new house.

Join the StyroHome Construction group at Ning...
See how polystyrene panels have helped homelessness in Afghanistan...

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